Meet Sunny, a Junior Digital Consultant at a PR & Communications agency. She occupies the position for two months and this is the tangible outcome of her mentoring experience.  

By focusing on personal development in her previous role and, first and foremost, being blatantly honest with herself Sunny achieved her promotion goal. 

“Embrace radical honesty about your strengths, weaknesses, and long-term aspirations and dreams! It's the first step towards aligning your actions with your vision and achieving your goals. This mindset will pave the way to reap the fruits of your labor as you witness the tangible improvements and strides you've made throughout the program”, - this message Sunny was willing to share with FE community and especially future mentees. 

Read more about Sunny’s personal insights on mentoring and advice for future mentees!

A personalized mentoring approach

At FÉ we guide our mentees with tailored approach to make sure that they achieve unique goals with the most efficiency. Sunny describes her mentoring experience as a mélange of “self-care and growth”, emphasizing “self” as a primary focus of that we put at heart of our FÉ mentoring program. Altogether with tailoring the advice to the mentees’ needs, FÉ mentors are there to provide support and guidance along the way, becoming an accountability partner.  

Connecting with a female mentor

Sunny stressed the benefits of having a female mentor in the deep connection and mutual understanding:  

“Female mentors uniquely understand the challenges women encounter in the workplace, offering invaluable guidance rooted in shared experiences and camaraderie. This support is essential for navigating the career landscape with insight and solidarity. My mentorship lessons with Stephany hold a scared time in my schedule and are deeply cathartic.” 

Having an accountability partner

With the trusted accountability partner our mentees are motivated to open up and build a clear wholesome vision of themselves. Sunny noticed that these skills staid after finishing the program:   

“Under the trusted guidance of Stephany as my Mentor, I've learned to assess myself and my situation honestly, discovering areas for improvement and understanding what brings me genuine happiness. It's about integrating these insights into my daily life for lasting fulfilment”.  

At FÉ we see our aim as empowerment of future female leaders, and such fruitful and lasting outcomes of our mentees is the best reinforcements to our aspirations. 

Taking ownership

We see our aim as empowerment of future female leaders, and such fruitful and lasting outcomes of our mentees is the best reinforcements to our aspirations. Sunny concluded: 

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned from the mentorship program is that: I am solely responsible for my personal development and career growth. Relying solely on my manager or seniors to advocate for me in the workplace is simply not enough. I must take ownership of my growth journey and actively drive it forward”. 


The FÉ community shares the values of female empowerment, recognize personal responsibility, and motivate to proactively voice each our member. We hope that you were inspired by the powerful story of Sunny and have some extra food for thought and self-reflection. Being honest with oneself is not an easy task, that’s why FÉ Table mentors are always there to offer their expertise and guidance to make future mentees feel seen, heard, and celebrated

