Mentoring sessions are suitable for all levels.

Meet Jade and get to know her experience. Initially concerned about her intern status being an obstacle, Jade Gevers discovered through a Mentoring Session that every voice is valuable.

At FÉ, our mentoring sessions are crafted to benefit individuals at all levels of their professional journey.  

One of the session's key insights for her was realizing that being a student intern doesn't diminish her ability to contribute meaningfully. 

Jade shared: “I got the best advice about daring to ask questions and not doubting myself all the time. It’s not because I’m an intern that my ideas aren’t good. I can always try and pitch them.”  

Active communication became a key takeaway for Jade:  “I learned that everyone (colleagues, friends, …) have their own opinions and sometimes it’s good to just ask what they think instead of filling in the blanks myself.” 

Preparation: A Key to Success 

At FÉ, we emphasize a responsible, proactive approach to ensure the most fruitful results from our mentoring sessions. We provide thorough instructions on how to prepare, helping mentees make the most of their time with mentors. 

Jade highlighted the importance of this preparation:  “I got a preparation sheet from Millie before our chat, which was really helpful for me in preparation of me putting all my challenges and questions on paper to ask. For me it was important to discuss my self-confidence regarding my work and studies.” 

Choosing the Right Mentor 

Selecting a mentor who aligns with your goals is crucial. Jade explained her choice: 

“I felt like with her experience and knowledge she would be able to answer every question I had. I also felt like I would connect with her and be able to ask any questions I had.”  

Our suggestion is to explore the profiles of our table experts and find someone whose expertise and experience resonate with your objectives. 

Jade decided to join the session and, following the recommendations, responsibly devoted her time to self-reflection and preparation. These steps were perfectly sufficient to profit from the time with her mentor: 

“Honestly, couldn’t think of any since everything went so good with my mentor. I felt heard and listened to. That’s the most important”. 

The Importance of Mentoring

At FÉ, we aim to make each of our mentees feel seen, heard, and celebrated, and believe that having a mentor can greatly facilitate it. 

“I think it is a must having a mentor. The importance of having someone to rely on for any question or thought you have doubts about is crucial”. 

We hope that together with Jade we were able to showcase to you how mentoring can support you.

Join FÉ, we will help you to feel seen, heard, and celebrated

