• FÉ founder Stephany Goncalves offers her guidance for the mentees who wish to proceed with the program. You can get acquainted with Stephany’s background and personal story on our website, LinkedIn or Instagram.

  • The Mentoring Program is guided by FÉ founder, Stephany Goncalves, and lasts 4-6 months. The FÉ mentoring program involves a long-term trustful relationship between the mentor and the mentee. The regularly scheduled sessions are tailored to the individual goals of the mentee. There is a sequence of tools implementation, assessment and evaluation, feedback sessions, and progress reviews. The design of the program maximizes effectiveness because of long-term support and a holistic approach to the determined course of mentee development.

    Mentoring sessions are independent one-time meetings with a focus on a specific issue or goal of a choice. The advice is immediate and ad-hoc with a less deep prior preparation compared to the mentoring program. The session you can have is free of charge and offered by any of the members of the FÉ Table, our Mentor Network.

  • Everyone! FÉ is inclusive, catering to a diverse range of professionals at any stage of their careers, from entry to senior level, across various industries. There are no strict age or background limitations, commitment to self-development, a responsible approach, and thorough preparation for each session are the only requirements.

    However, from our experience, we would recommend the program for working professionals. Entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals are invited to participate in the program s well.

    One-off sessions could greatly benefit all levels, including students or those early in their career paths.

  • We’re Amsterdam-based, however at FÉ we offer support and guidance across the world. Our mentors and experienced mentees are located in various cities around the world as we believe that location is never a barrier to receive quality mentorship.

    If you're not Amsterdam-based, we offer digital sessions that are just as impactful as in-person ones. Take a look at our interactive map illustrating the scope of locations of our network. If uncertain, you could always reach us via email at info@fe-space.com.

  • FÉ supports a diverse range of professionals across industries. The success was achieved by professionals in creative industries, entrepreneurship, marketing, and health. Our mentees are determined to grow personally and professionally by mapping clear goals, which are matched with the mentor’s expertise.

    Members of the FÉ Table offer guidance in various fields. You can meet the mentors on the website page and choose wisely the best fit for your aspirations. Get inspiration for the goals FÉ mentees achieved by following the website page and our social media. Think about the desired areas of improvement and the struggles you recently faced in the professional setting. We encourage you to bring them up when preparing for the mentoring session, or at the chemistry meeting if you’re starting the mentoring program. The mentor is always there to support you and will help to define clear and achievable goals together.

  • For the mentees who completed FÉ mentoring program we can offer to continue their growth through "Accountability Sessions." These monthly or bi-monthly 45-minute meetings focus on tracking progress, maintaining achieved results, and providing necessary advice. They are offered at a cost of 75 euros (incl. VAT) per session. Based on individual needs, we recommend 8 to 12 sessions annually. If you wish to proceed, please discuss with your mentor for further details such as goals and regularity to map your new journey.

  • FÉ mentoring program is very flexible, you can immediately onboard the enrollment process. The start of the program takes place on the 1st day of each month. The schedule is discusse by the mentor and mentee regarding their available timings. However, for an impactful result, we would strongly recommend regularity and fixed intervals of 3-4 weeks between the sessions. The experience of FÉ mentees shows that this time is necessary and sufficient to process session outcomes and work on the assignments.

  • Both online and offline sessions are possible. The program is hosted in Amsterdam, or digitally.

    Members from out Mentor Network are located in Amsterdam, Gothenburg, Rotterdam, and Stockholm and offer the sessions online. FÉ Table offers you guidance irrespective of geographical location and guarantees equal efficiency.

    Workshops currently are available only in physical format in Amsterdam, but FÉ is growing together with its mentees and will soon be offering workshops in various locations across the world.

  • A mentor is an authority in a concrete field or profession. The relationship between a mentor and mentee is quite informal where the experienced mentor is the guide. Mentees can ask for advice on a career path or navigation and together with the mentor work out both soft and hard skills, aligned with the mentor’s expertise.

    At FÉ, we have developed a unique approach to mentoring, focusing on soft skills that are versatile across industries and professions. We define a mentor as someone who blends the roles of a mentor and coach, offering not just guidance but also personal expertise tailored to the mentee’s needs. This personal approach ensures that the mentor can effectively support each mentee's learning and growth, as quality mentorship lays the foundation of our platform.

  • Chemistry meeting is the threshold to step onto your mentoring program path at FÉ. You and your potential mentor, Stephany Goncalves, get to know each other and discuss your goals and your unique aspirations. The meeting exists to determine if there is a mentor-mentee fit and if the mentor can provide the guidance needed. The meeting is free of charge and does not oblige you to proceed with the program.

  • To explore FÉ mentoring program, please visit this page. There, you can access detailed information and fill out a sign-up form. For further elaboration don’t hesitate to reach out directly via email at info@fe-space.com. We will answer all your questions and provide the full outline of the program.

  • Mentoring sessions and mentoring programs at FÉ are tailored for a personalized approach and are meant to be followed individually.

    Participation in FÉ workshops is possible both individually and in groups with equal efficiency.

  • It is important to have a clear understanding and purpose for the session. We advise you to reflect on the goals you pursue with the session such as skill development or career advancement. Assessment of own development areas and strengths will help to determine the focus areas and set realistic expectations for the meeting. You can prepare a list of questions for the mentor, that get inspired by the personal story of your mentor and use your goals as a source. Remember to stay open to feedback and think provisionally about long-term objectives. A more detailed instruction with recommendations is sent to the mentees prior to the session.

  • Our FÉ Table currently consists of eight mentors, carefully selected for their dedication and diverse expertise. Our focus is on delivering quality mentorship, and we ensure that both mentors and mentees are well-matched. Each candidate is a conscious choice as we are exploring the unique approach to mentoring and chose quality over quantity. Our Table members share the values of representation, committed to providing equal opportunities for women from various backgrounds and inclusive learning environment.

    If you're passionate about contributing as a mentor and align with our vision for a quality mentorship experience, reach out to us at info@fe-space.com. Please include a brief overview of your professional journey and your motivation to join us at FÉ in your email. We’ll share more about the mentor’s role and continue the conversation from there.