Meet Karolina, an aspiring professional who combines the roles of Marketing Coordinator at ØLÅF and Projects & Operations Coordinator at TEN Women. Despite her busy schedule, she chose to prioritize self-development and devoted her time to experiencing FÉ's mentoring program.

Through FÉ she focused on self-reflection, strengthening her structure and turning her goals into actionable plans.

Read more about Karolina’s personal insights on mentoring and advice for future mentees!

Importance of self-development 

Despite her tight schedule Karolina realized the importance of self-development and devoted time and resources to go through the mentoring program at FÉ and shared her insights and conclusions. 

“Through mentorship, women get to know themselves, develop self-awareness, and as a result, are not afraid to follow a chosen path of self-realization”. 

Having a mentor is not a must to successfully develop your personal skills, however, we believe that one should value time and resources. Having a mentor for a professionally loaded person such as Karolina boosts the efficiency of the process, as mentors offer ready-to-apply guidance and help in navigating your path.   

“The mentoring process contributes significantly to increasing personal effectiveness and developing leadership talent”.  

Overcoming societal barriers with mentoring 

Karolina is a perfect example that nobody is secure from facing challenges at the workplace because of societal barriers. Emotional social support from the person who has already experienced what you’re going through and found the way out is exactly what one needs to get inspired and empowered on the way.  

“Mentorship holds particular significance for me as it helped me overcome challenges I faced due to various societal and cultural barriers I have encountered in my personal and professional life”. 

“My mentorship journey involves not only receiving wisdom but also fostering trust, empathy, and understanding between both myself and my mentor”. 

“I believe mentorship is important for women because it offers a space for reciprocity and is based on inspiration, stimulation, and leadership”.  

Importance of social support and community

Another interesting notice from Karolina concerns community building. Even though she interacted one-on-one with the mentor, she could subconsciously sense the support of the FÉ community – young female leaders who share the values of self-development and growth.  

“By investing in the development of younger women, mentors contribute to building a stronger, more resilient community of women leaders”. 

Goal setting is a must 

At FÉ we are eager to build actionable plans for our mentees. By setting personalized attainable goals we map the development path that every mentee could follow to reach the desired point B. The importance of goal setting is one of the insights Karolina decided to share with us:  

“The biggest learning that I will take with me from the mentoring program at FÉ is that I should move with purpose, especially in my career. What Stephany helped me realize is that being intentional can help me remain focused and, in the end, will support career acceleration and overall satisfaction. I was able to unlearn ideas that I had about professional life which has led to great changes in my approach to growth and development in the fields I have always wanted to work in”.  

To be seen, heard, and celebrated on your authentic path.

Being inspired by her own progress, Karolina shared advice for the future mentees: 

“Be authentic and true to yourself. When possible, stay true to your values, beliefs, and identity when choosing a career path or workplace. Authenticity is a strength that fosters trust, respect, and credibility. Don't feel pressured to conform to others' expectations or standards. Embrace your uniqueness and let your true self shine through in everything you do. It was only a few months ago that I learned it’s okay to be multi-hyphenate and curious. As soon as we find our purpose and commit to personal growth and development of soft skills, which are key, we are on the right path to becoming the female leaders of tomorrow”.  

With the support of their FÉ mentor Karolina now has a clear picture of her unique path. She was able to formulate her inner desires that would reflect her personality without the necessity to live up to the expectations of others.  

If you feel lost on your career path and no longer know if the way is “yours” or suggested by social standards and expectations, FÉ mentors are there to help you disentangle your authentic self by providing support and expertise.

We wish you to be seen, heard, and celebrated

