Meet Elif Albayrak, a cultural creative and art director. Her name resonates across cultures that are often perceived as opposites, embodying a fusion of contrasts and diverse influences. Her passion lies in blending these contrasts and cultures to craft fresh and inspiring work. Her work challenges the status quo both conceptually and through unique art direction.

We celebrate Elif as a true leader of the next generation with her strength in amplifying untold stories. Elif has been a part of the mentoring program since mid 2023, and continues her mentoring journey this year.

Read more about Elif’s personal insights on mentoring and advice for future mentees!

The meaning of mentorship

“Mentorship to me means personalized guidance along my career path from a supportive accountability partner who empowers me. As a women and especially as a women of color in a male-dominated industry, specific challenges arise where you need professional guidance to navigate and improve yourself. It's essential for me to get this guidance by someone with whom I feel comfortable and who truly understands my experiences.

From the first day I met Stephany, she already understood my experiences and struggles, for which she had the right answers. This helped me take significant steps in my personal and professional growth.”

Personal insights through mentoring

“My biggest learning has been discovering my authentic professional approach. The industry you work in will try to transform you, but it's crucial to remain true to your authentic self and vision. This could be a significant challenge, especially as a woman in a male-dominated industry that lacks diversity and representation. Finding your own way to navigate your career path requires good guidance and support. After every mentoring session, I've felt more confident about the steps I was taking and felt motivated to go even further.”

Advice for future mentees
“My advice would be to prepare yourself before every session with your mentor, as the time you have to exchange knowledge with them is valuable. It starts with asking yourself why you think you need a mentor and what your goals and focus points are during the program. You are responsible for your own growth, and your mentor is your accountability partner to support you. It's crucial to be consistent during the program to actually take steps towards success!”

