Millie Degni

Meet Millie, an experienced professional who has navigated the dynamic landscapes of startups, large corporations, and the exciting realm of entrepreneurship for well over a decade.

With a Master's degree in International Business, Millie has left her mark in various marketing and project leadership roles, influencing industries such as gaming and fashion. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she has dedicated herself to leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) teams and initiatives, underscoring her commitment to fostering positive and inclusive workplace environments.

Known for her positive and collaborative approach, strategic thinking, creative ideation skills, and adept partnership management, Millie has crafted a career marked by diversity and impact. Throughout her journey, mentorship has played a pivotal role. Now, as a mentor in FÉ, she is eager to share her insights and pay it forward.

In the realm of mentorship, Millie's goal is clear: to guide mentees in realizing their potential, clarifying goals, and encouraging self-reflection. Recognizing that each mentee embarks on a unique journey with distinct needs, she tailors each mentorship to be a personalized and impactful experience.

Millie's Areas of Expertise:

  • Presentation Skills: Millie specializes in honing presentation skills that leave a lasting impression by captivating the audience and mastering the art of storytelling

  • Project Management: From creating and leading inclusive project teams to identifying team members' superskills and mastering stakeholder management, she brings a wealth of experience to the realm of project leadership.

  • Starting a Business & Driving Innovation: Millie provides strategic guidance on navigating the creation of a business idea, identifying target audiences, solving critical problems, or focusing on the right aspects of innovation at work.

Request a 1-to-1 mentoring session with Millie by filling in this form:


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